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Uklanjanje korova plamenom kao metod za suzbijanje korova u bobu u oblasti reke Nil u sudanu

dc.contributor.authorElhassan, Alaeldin
dc.contributor.authorKhalifa, Khalifa
dc.contributor.authorAbbas, Hassan
dc.description.abstractA flame apparatus was designed and its performance in terms of weeding efficiency and economic feasibility was compared with hand weeding and herbicides application. Weeding was carried out at 4 and 4 plus 6 weeks after sowing for flaming and hand weeding. A pre-emergence herbicide Pursuit plus Stomp, was mixed in a tank and applied before one day of first irrigation at the recommended rate. The mean number of weeds over two seasons revealed that flaming at 4 weeks after sowing reduced weed density by 77.3% and 71.3% respectively, whereas for hand weeding at the same period was 80.8% and 70.3% respectively. Grain yield of the plots subjected to flame weeding was comparable to that from pre-emergence herbicides and hand weeding treated plots for both growing seasons. However, economic analysis showed that flame weeding at 4 weeks after sowing gave the highest value of marginal rate of return for both seasons.en
dc.description.abstractPlamenik je bio konstruisan i ispitivan tako da su njegove karakteristike efikasnosti uništavanja korova i ekonomske isplativosti poređene sa suzbijanjem korova primenom herbicida. Tretman je izvođen 4 i 4 plus 6 nedelja posle setve, paljenjem i ručnim plevljenjem. Herbicid Pursuit plus Stomp je mešan u rezervoaru i primenjen u preporučenoj dozi jedan dan pre prvog navodnjavanja. Prosečan broj korova tokom dve sezone pokazao je da je paljenje na 4 nedelje posle setve smanjilo gustinu korova za 77.3% i 71.3% redom, dok je ručnim plevljenjem u istim periodima postignuto 80.8% i 70.3%, redom. Prinos zrna sa parcela tretiranih plamenom bio je uporediv sa prinosom sa parcela tretiranih herbicidom i ručnim plevljenjem, u obe sezone. Ipak, ekonomska analiza je pokazala da je tretiranje plamenom 4 medelje posle setve u obe sezone dalo najveću vrednost jedinične stope
dc.subjectfaba beanen
dc.subjectriver Nile Stateen
dc.subjectsuzbijanje korovasr
dc.subjectoblast reke Nilsr
dc.titleFlame Weeding Method to Control Weeds in Faba Bean in River Nile State in Sudanen
dc.title.alternativeUklanjanje korova plamenom kao metod za suzbijanje korova u bobu u oblasti reke Nil u sudanusr

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  • Issue 2014-2.

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