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Osetljivost genotipova pasulja na Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli u zaštićenom prostoru

dc.contributor.authorTodorovic, Biljana
dc.contributor.authorMilijasevic, Svetlana
dc.contributor.authorRekanovic, Emil
dc.contributor.authorPotocnik, Ivana
dc.contributor.authorStepanovic, Milos
dc.description.abstractPlants of 17 bean genotypes were evaluated under greenhouse conditions for their reaction to X. campestris pv. phaseoli, the causal agent of common blight of beans, following leaf-spray inoculation with bacterial suspension (108 cfu/ml). The plants were evaluated based on the number of leaf lesions, and the disease severity index (DSI) was calculated. The evaluated genotypes showed various levels of susceptibility to X. campestris pv. phaseoli strain VS-1. The results of both experiments showed that the cultivar Oreol was the most resistant. The genotypes: KB 142, HR-45, Tisa and Panonski tetovac also showed low susceptibility with DSI values in the first trial ranging from 2.27 to 3.60. The same genotypes, with the exception of Panonski tetovac, were also categorized as low-susceptible to the bacterium in the second experiment, having the DSI values between 2.27 and 3.60. Most genotypes (Slavonski žutozeleni, Zlatko, Biser, Sremac, Naya Nayahit) were categorized as susceptible in the first experiment, including Panonski tetovac in the second one, while the genotypes Dvadesetica, Prelom and Oplenac displayed the highest susceptibility in both trials.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivana je reakcija 17 genotipova pasulja i boranije na X. campestris. pv. phaseoli, prouzrokovača obične bakteriozne plamenjače pasulja u uslovima staklenika nakon inokulacije biljaka prskanjem bakterijskom suspenzijom (108 ćel/ml). Reakcija biljaka ocenjivana je na osnovu broja pega na lišću i izračunat je indeks oboljenja (IO). Proučavani genotipovi su ispoljili različit nivo osetljivosti na soj bakterije VS-1. U oba ogleda najveću otpornost je ispoljila sorta oreol. Slabo osetljivim genotipovima u prvom ogledu pripadali su genotipovi KB 142, HR-45, tisa i panonski tetovac sa IO 2,73-3,93. Isti genotipovi, osim panonskog tetovca, i u drugom ogledu su svrstani u kategoriju slabo osetljivih (IO 2,27 do 3,60). Najveći broj genotipova pripadao je kategoriji osetljivih (slavonski žutozeleni, zlatko, biser, sremac, Naya Nayahit) u prvom ogledu, a u drugom, pored navedenih genotipova, spada i panonski tetovac. Najveću osetljivost u oba ogleda ispoljile su sorte dvadesetica, prelom i
dc.subjectCommon blighten
dc.subjectX. campestris pv. phaseolien
dc.subjectBean genotypesen
dc.subjectDisease resistanceen
dc.subjectObična plamenjačasr
dc.subjectX. campestris pv. phaseolien
dc.subjectgenotipovi pasuljasr
dc.titleSusceptibility of Bean Genotypes to Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli in Greenhouse Conditionsen
dc.title.alternativeOsetljivost genotipova pasulja na Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli u zaštićenom prostorusr

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