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Zaštita uskladištenog žita od štetnih glodara primenom hlorofacinona

dc.contributor.authorVuksa, Marina
dc.contributor.authorDjedovic, Suzana
dc.contributor.authorJokic, Goran
dc.contributor.authorElezovic, Ibrahim
dc.contributor.authorStojnic, Bojan
dc.description.abstractApart from some preventive measures advisably taken during construction of storage facilities or at the time of product storage, treatments with chemical rodenticides are the most widely practiced method of controlling commensal rodents. Their control in storage facilities is normally carried out after animal presence has been observed, and treatments from early autumn onwards throughout the season provide the best effect. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of rodent control using baits with less content am chlorofacinon than recommended, to the protection of stored plant products. The experiments were set up using the relevant OEPP/EPPO method. A ready for use (RB) paste bait formulation was used with different contents (0.005% and 0.0075%) of the active ingredient chlorophacinone. Baits were laid in boxes along rodent routes, underneath pallets with sacs and in places where major damage had been observed. Baits for house mouse were placed at a rate of 10-20 g per 1-3 m, while 30-50 g of bait for brown rats were laid at specific points. Daily bait intake was monitored over a period of ten days and the portions were replaced with new ones as needed. Placebo baits were laid in identical boxes for four days before the experiment began. The abundance of house mouse was estimated based on the highest and lowest daily intake of bait divided by the species’ daily requirement. Mice presence was monitored over the next 20 days. Rodenticide efficacy was calculated using Abbott’s formula. The data in this experiment show that chorophacinone contents of 0.005% and 0.0075% in RB baits had no effect on the palatability and bait efficacy in controlling house mouse and brown rat indoors. The average efficacy of chorophacinone was 87-93% against house mouse and 90-100% against brown rat.en
dc.description.abstractPored preventivnih mera koje treba primeniti prilikom izgradnje objekata i skladištenja žitarica (zrna pšenice, kukuruza, ječma) u njima, primena rodenticida predstavlja najzastupljeniju meru suzbijanja komensalnih vrsta glodara. Suzbijanje se izvodi kada se primeti njihovo prisustvo, pri čemu se najbolji efekti postižu početkom i tokom jeseni. Koriste se mamci sa različitim sadržajem hlorofacinona za suzbijanje glodara u različitim sredinama. Zbog toga smo hteli da ispitamo i uporedimo efikasnost mamaka sa sadržajem 0,005% i 0,075% hlorofacinona u skladištima u kojima se žitarice čuvaju u vrećama. Eksperimenti su izvedeni prema metodi OEPP/EPPO. Upotrebljeni su mamci u obliku paste – meki mamak, RB – spreman za upotrebu formulacije. Postavljani su u kutije, na staze, ispod paleta sa vrećama i na mestima gde su primećena najveća oštećenja. Na rastojanju 1-3 m postavljano je 10-20 g mamka za suzbijanje domaćeg miša, odnosno na izabranim mestima 30-50 g mamka za suzbijanje sivog pacova. Tokom deset dana posmatranja, svakodnevno je beležena količina pojedenog mamka i prema potrebi dodavana nova. Neotrovni (placebo) mamci prethodno su izlagani u identičnim kutijama, četiri dana pre početka eksperimenta. Brojnost glodara procenjena je na osnovu najveće i najmanje dnevno pojedene količine mamka podeljene sa dnevnim potrebama za hranom. Prisustvo glodara je praćeno i narednih 20 dana. Efikasnost rodenticida izračunata je prema Abotovoj formuli. Utvrđeno je da sadržaj aktivne supstance hlorofacinona od 0,005% i 0,0075% u mamcima RB formulacije nije značajan za prihvatljivost i efikasnost mamaka primenjenih za suzbijanje domaćeg miša i sivog pacova u skladištima žitarica. Prosečna efikasnost hlorofacinona bila je 87-93% u suzbijanju domaćeg miša i 90-100% u suzbijanju sivog
dc.titleProtection of Stored Plant Products Using Chlorophacinone Against Rodent Pestsen
dc.title.alternativeZaštita uskladištenog žita od štetnih glodara primenom hlorofacinonasr

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