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Procesi koji određuju sudbinu pesticida u zemljištu

dc.contributor.authorDjurovic, Rada
dc.description.abstractPesticides are an inevitable part of the environment, because due to the intensive use their remains are frequently detected in nature, particularly in the soil. Regardless the way pesticides get into the soil, their further fate will depend on many factors. Given the complexity of interactions of pesticides and soil, and the fact that the intensity of interaction of the same compound with different soil types is different, the studies of the influence of most important soil parameters on the mentioned interactions are becoming more numerous. In this paper are presented the processes that determine the fate of pesticides in the soil, as well as the factors that affect these processes. A special emphasis is placed on the adsorption processes, since they determine the concentration of free fraction of pesticide molecules, i.e. of pesticide quantity that may participate in detoxification processes including degradation and mobility.en
dc.description.abstractPesticidi su neizostavni deo životne sredine, jer se usled intenzivne primene njihovi ostaci često detektuju u prirodi, naročito u zemljištu. Bez obzira na koji način dospeju u zemljište, njihova dalja sudbina će zavisiti od mnoštva faktora. Uzimajući u obzir složenost interakcija pesticida i zemljišta, kao i činjenicu da je intenzitet interakcija istog jedinjenja sa različitim zemljištima različit, sve su brojnija ispitivanja uticaja najvažnijih zemljišnih parametara u pomenutim interakcijama. U ovom radu su predstavljeni procesi koji određuju sudbinu pesticida u zemljištu, kao i faktori koji utiču na te procese. Poseban osvrt je stavljen na adsorpcione procese, s obzirom da oni određuju koncentraciju slobodne frakcije molekula pesticida, tj. količine pesticida koja može da učestvuje u detoksifikacionim procesima u koje spadaju procesi degradacije i
dc.titleThe Processes that Determine the Fate of Pesticides in Soilen
dc.title.alternativeProcesi koji određuju sudbinu pesticida u zemljištusr

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