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Razvoj i ocena višenamenske sejalice za direktnu setvu sa uređajem za obradu ostataka u različitim uslovima

dc.contributor.authorSharma, Vineet Kumar
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Triveni Prasad
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Jayant
dc.description.abstractA multi-toolbar no-till drill has been designed and developed which could work satisfactorily in combine harvested paddy fields. Performance evaluation of the machine was conducted for under three different paddy residue conditions, i.e. chopped paddy residue conditions spread loose straw conditions and tillage condition (control). The multi-toolbar no-till drill was compered powered coulter double disc type drill. The maximum effective field capacity of 0.45 ha•h-1 was found in Pantnagar no-till drill (M4) followed by multi-toolbar no-till drill (M1) as 0.39-0.42 ha•h-1, multi-toolbar no-till drill with residue handling device (M2) as 0.38 ha•h-1 and -powered coulter double disc type drill (M3) as 0.34-0.33 ha•h-1. The maximum field efficiency of 73.5 % was found in machine (M4) followed by 68.75 to 70.83 % for machine (M3), 63.5 to 63.8 % for machine (M1) and 60.2 to 61.4 % for machine (M2). The maximum plant emergence of 161 plants•m-2 was observed in case of treatment T7. Highest yield of 5.8 t•ha-1 was observed in treatment T3 where machine M2 (multi-toolbar no-till drill with residue handling device) un-chopped residue condition. Almost similar yield was observed for the treatment T1, T3 and T7 (control) as the same did not differ significantly at 5 % level of
dc.description.abstractVišenamenska direktna sejalica konstruisana je i razvijena za rad na parcelama posle kombajniranja pirinča. Ocena performansi mašine je izvedena u tri različita stanja ostataka. Maksimalni efektivni poljski kapacitet od 0.45 ha•h-1 kod Pantnagar sejalice (M4), zatim kod sejalice (M1) 0.39-0.42 ha•h-1, sejalice sa uređajem za obradu ostataka (M2) 0.38 ha•h-1 i sejalice sa reznim diskovima (M3) 0.34-0.33 ha•h-1. Maksimalna efikasnost od 73.5 % je izmerena kod mašine (M4), zatim 68.75 do 70.83 % kod mašine (M3), 63.5 do 63.8 % kod mašine (M1) i 60.2 do 61.4 % kod mašine (M2). Najveći prinos od 5.8 t•ha-1 je izmeren u tretmanu T3. Sličan prinos je bio kod tretmana T1, T3 i T7 (kontrola).sr
dc.subjectresidue handlingsr
dc.subjectno-till drillsr
dc.subjectsowing methodsr
dc.subjectfurrow openersr
dc.subjectwheat sowingsr
dc.subjectfield performancesr
dc.subjectobrada ostatakasr
dc.subjectdirektna setvasr
dc.subjectmetod setvesr
dc.subjectotvarač brazesr
dc.subjectsetva žitasr
dc.subjectosobine parcelesr
dc.titleDevelopment and Evaluation of Multi Toolbar No-Till Drill with Residue Handling Device under Various Paddy Residue Conditionssr
dc.title.alternativeRazvoj i ocena višenamenske sejalice za direktnu setvu sa uređajem za obradu ostataka u različitim uslovimasr

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  • Issue 2017-1.

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