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Mikrobiološki i hemijski kvalitet vode za piće u filterskoj stanici „Mojdež“ i u distributivnoj mreži Herceg Novog

dc.contributor.authorDjukic, Dragutin
dc.contributor.authorStamenkovic, Tanja
dc.contributor.authorMandic, Leka
dc.contributor.authorMaskovic, Pavle
dc.contributor.authorVeskovic, Slavica
dc.contributor.authorDjurovic, Vesna
dc.contributor.authorZelenika, Milica
dc.description.abstractTesting was performed in order to verify the impact of technological water treatment to its microbiological and chemical quality of the filter station and distribution network. Microbiological and chemical water quality parameters were determined by standard methods prescribed by the Regulation on the hygienic quality of drinking water (Sl. List SRJ No. 42/98 and 44/99). The values of the tested physical, physico-chemical and chemical parameters before and after treatment in the filter station "Mojdež", as well as in the distribution network of H. Novi, were not outside the framework defined in the Regulation. It has been found deviation only in terms of microbiological quality of drinking water in the locality near the filtering station "Mojdež" from which were isolated coliform
dc.description.abstractIspitivanje je vršeno radi provere uticaja tehnološkog tretmana vode na njen mikrobiološki i hemijski kvalitet u samoj filterskoj stanici i distributivnoj mreži. Mikrobiološki i hemijski parametri kvaliteta vode određivani su standardnim metodama propisanim Pravilnikom o higijenskoj ispravnosti vode za piće (Sl. List SRJ br. 42/98 i 44/99). Vrednosti ispitivanih fizičkih, fizičko-hemijskih i hemijskih parametara pre i nakon tretmana u filterskoj stanici "Mojdež", kao i u distributivnoj mreži H. Novog, nisu izlazile izvan okvira predviđenih navedenim Pravilnikom. Utvrđeno je odstupanje samo u pogledu mikrobiološke ispravnosti vode za piće u lokalitetu kod filterske stanice "Mojdež" iz kojeg su izolovane koliformne
dc.titleMicrobiological and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water in Filter Station "Mojdež" And Distribution Network of Herceg Novisr
dc.title.alternativeMikrobiološki i hemijski kvalitet vode za piće u filterskoj stanici „Mojdež“ i u distributivnoj mreži Herceg Novogsr

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