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Proizvodne performanse brojlerskih roditelja u toku produkcije jaja za nasad

dc.contributor.authorPandurevic, Tatjana
dc.contributor.authorLalovic, Miroslav
dc.contributor.authorMitrovic, Sreten
dc.contributor.authorVujicic, Darko
dc.contributor.authorMojevic, Milica
dc.contributor.authorTrifkovic, Julijana
dc.description.abstractWhen growing broiler breeder important to achieve the highest possible production of eggs, with minimal mortality hens and roosters, and that the smaller daily feed consumption per head, or produced breeding egg. To determine production characteristics of broilers Cobb 500 parents conducted research on the flock through the 38 weeks of production. During the study are accompanied by the following production parameters: the mortality of parents and the intensity of load hatching eggs, it is also the goal of this work. Based on the results obtained during the research, in terms of production traits, it can be concluded that investigated the parent flock of heavy hybrid Cobb 500 proved satisfactory genetic potential in relation to the regulations Breeders Cobb
dc.description.abstractPrilikom gajenja brojlerskih roditelja bitno da se ostvari što veća proizvodnja jaja, uz minimalna uginuća nosilja i pijetlova, kao i da je što manja dnevna potrošnja hrane po grlu, odnosno proizvedenom priplodnom jajetu. Za utvrđivanje proizvodnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Cobb 500 sprovedena su istraživanja na matičnom jatu kroz 38 nedjelja proizvodnje. Tokom istraživanja praćeni su sljedeći proizvodni parametri: mortalitet roditelja i intenzitet nosivosti priplodnih jaja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata tokom istraživanja, u pogledu proizvodnih osobina, može se zaključiti da je ispitivano matično jato teškog hibrida Cobb 500 pokazalo zadovoljavajući genetski potencijal u odnosu na propise selekcionera hibrida Cobb
dc.subjectthe intensity of loadsr
dc.subjectbroiler breederssr
dc.subjectCobb 500sr
dc.subjectintenzitet nosivostisr
dc.subjectbrojlerski roditeljisr
dc.titleProduction Performance of Broiler Parents During Production of Eggs for Growingsr
dc.title.alternativeProizvodne performanse brojlerskih roditelja u toku produkcije jaja za nasadsr

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