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Sigurna vožnja i radovi sa poljoprivrednim i šumskim vozilima u Republici Sloveniji

dc.contributor.authorJeroncic, Robert
dc.description.abstractIf we want to reduce the number of fatalities and injured people because of driving and working with agricultural and forestry vehicles, we have to regulate the whole area of use such vehicles. First step for this are conformity assessment procedures before putting agricultural and forestry vehicles on the market to achieve that only approved vehicles will come to the market. At the moment of the registration procedure of these vehicles for the use on public roads and for work these vehicles have to be equipped with the equipment that is obliged and prescribed in the EU harmonised legislation and in the national legislation. In the exploitation these vehicles have to be in good condition that is checked with the periodic roadworthiness tests. This area is well regulated and harmonised because it is prescribed in the EU legislation. And finally the police and different inspectorates perform the roadside inspections that check the technical condition of these vehicles at driving and also at work on the field. On the other side also the drivers of agricultural and forestry vehicles need education in order to recognise what is the proper use of these vehicles, where their limits are and how to recognise the moments where they are only one step from causing an accident. If all mentioned systems work properly there is a possibility to reduce the number of fatalities and injured people with such
dc.description.abstractAko želimo da smanjimo broj smrtnih slučajeva i povređenih ljudi zbog vožnje i rada sa poljoprivrednim i šumskim vozilima, moramo regulisati čitavu oblast korišćenja takvih vozila. Prvi korak za to su procedure za ocenjivanje usaglašenosti pre nego što se na tržištu pojave neka poljoprivredna i šumska vozila . Tako se postigne da na tržište dođu samo odobrena po Zakonu ispravna pomenuta vozila. U momentu postupka registracije ovih vozila za upotrebu na javnim putevima i za rad ova vozila moraju imati opremomu koja je obavezna i propisana u zakonodavstvu EU i nacionalnom zakonodavstvu (Slovenija). U eksploataciji ova vozila moraju biti u dobrom stanju koje se proverava periodičnim testovima tehničkog pregleda. Ova oblast je dobro regulisana i usklađena jer je propisana u zakonodavstvu EU. Na kraju, policija i različiti inspektori obavljaju inspekciju na putevima koji proveravaju tehničko stanje ovih vozila prilikom vožnje na javnim i drugim puteviam i na radnom mestu. Sa druge strane, vozači poljoprivrednih i šumskih vozila moraju imati obrazovanje kako bi prepoznali pravilnu upotreba ovih vozila, gde su njihove granice i kako prepoznati trenutke u kojima su samo jedan korak od uzroka nesreće. Ako svi pomenuti sistemi ispravno funkcionišu, postoji mogućnost smanjenja broja smrtnih slučajeva i povrieđenih osoba koje rade sa takvim
dc.subjectpoljoprivredna vozilasr
dc.subjectšumska vozilasr
dc.subjectagricultural vehiclessr
dc.subjectforestry vehiclessr
dc.titleSafe Driving and Working With Agricultural and Forestry Vehicles in the Republic Of Sloveniasr
dc.title.alternativeSigurna vožnja i radovi sa poljoprivrednim i šumskim vozilima u Republici Slovenijisr

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  • Issue 2018-2.

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