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Analiza metoda za kvantifikaciju suše

dc.contributor.authorZemunac, Rados
dc.contributor.authorRajic, Milica
dc.contributor.authorBezdan, Atila
dc.description.abstractExtreme climatic events such as drought, in many parts of the world are causing great damage to the economy and even wider. An analysis of this event is of great importance to all those who are exposed to its influence. Drought indices seem to be the simplest tool for its analysis. Four drought indices were used: De-Martonne drought index, Standardised Precipitation Index, Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index and Rainfall Anomaly Index. The analysis was conducted for the meteorological station Rimski Šančevi, over the period 1971-2014. The results indicate shifting of dry and wet years, and the correlation shows to what extent these indices can represent each other's
dc.description.abstractEkstremne klimatske pojave poput suše, u mnogim delovima sveta nanose velike štete privredi, pa i šire. Analiza ove pojave je od velikog značaja za sve one koji su izloženi njenom uticaju. Indeksi suše se čine najjednostavnijim alatom za njenu analizu. U radu su korišćena četiri indeksa suše: De-Martonne-ov indeks suše, standardizovani indeks padavina, standardizovani indeks klimatskog vodnog bilansa i indeks anomalija padavina. Analiza je sprovedena za meteorološku stanicu Rimski Šančevi, za period od 1971-2014. godine. Rezultati ukazuju na smenjivanje sušnih i vlažnih godina, a korelaciona analiza pokazuje u kojoj meri ovi indeksi mogu predstavljati jedan drugome
dc.subjectdrought indicessr
dc.subjectindeksi sušesr
dc.titleAnalysis of Drought Quantification Methodssr
dc.title.alternativeAnaliza metoda za kvantifikaciju sušesr

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