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Ubiranje soje kombajnom Claas Lexion 430 -ekploatacioni parametri

dc.contributor.authorMiodragovic, Rajko
dc.contributor.authorMileusnic, Zoran
dc.contributor.authorBalac, Nebojsa
dc.contributor.authorMilovanovic, Marija
dc.description.abstractSoya (Glycine) is one of the most important crop plant. It produces products for human and domestic animals and processing industry. It is an important protein and oil plant. The soybean seeds contain more proteins (35-50%) and fats (17-24%) and fewer carbohydrates than others leguminous plants. Research of the Claas Lexion 430 combine harvester in a mercantile soybeans harvest shown that losses in uncut pods were in all measurements above tolerant 2% and ranged from 2.46% to 2.94%. Losses on the thresher in the free grain were ranged from 0.18% to 0.34% on average to 0.26%, which is satisfactory in relation to the given 0.3%. The average losses in the unthreshedpods are 0.35%, which is more than the projected level, but for the conditions of harvesting it can be accepted as satisfactory, due to the large percentage of weeds in the
dc.description.abstractSoja (Glycine) je jedna od najvažnijih ratarskih kultura, od koje se dobijaju proizvodi važni u ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja i za preradu u industriji. Soja je važan izvor belančevina i ulja. Seme soje sadrži više proteina (35- 50%) i masti (17- 24%), a manje ugljenih hidrata od ostalih mahunastih biljaka. Kombajn Claas Lexion 430 posle eksploatacionih istraživanja imao je u žetvi merkantilne soje gubitke u neodrezanim mahunama u svim merenjima iznad tolerantnih 2%. Ovi gubici su bili u intervalu od 2,46 % do 2,94 %. Kombajn Claas Lexion 430 na vršalici ima gubitke u slobodnom zrnu koji su varirali od 0,18% do 0,34 % (proseku 0,26%), što je zadovoljavajuće u odnosu na zadatih 0,3 %. Prosečni gubici u neovršenim mahunama su 0,35 %, što je više od projektovanog nivoa, ali se za uslove ubiranja mogu prihvatiti kao zadovoljavajući, iz razloga značajne zakorovljenosti
dc.titleResearch of Claas Lexion 430 Harvester -Exploitation in Soya Harvestsr
dc.title.alternativeUbiranje soje kombajnom Claas Lexion 430 -ekploatacioni parametrisr

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  • Issue 2019-2.

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