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Implementacije senzora za metrologiju i prenos podataka u industriji traktora

dc.contributor.authorGrozdanic, Branko
dc.contributor.authorGrozdanic, Zoran
dc.contributor.authorVukas, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractContemporary solutions in industry of tractor necessitated the need for introducing an increasing number of physical - technical sensors, as the testing and development, and as the serial production of tractors. The very principle of the sensor and measuring, not much changed. The greatest improvement in real monitoring and data processing, which enables the development, modern computer technology and DSP processors, powerful performance and small size. Data can be collected and processed for testing, development and exploitation of the tractor, or with some of the wireless protocol to transfer the headquarters where you can track the performance of tractors. This can be more effectively achieved by improving the efficiency, reliability and ergonomics of tractors.en
dc.description.abstractSavremena rešenja u traktorskoj industriji nametnula su potrebu za uvođenjem sve većeg broja fizičko – tehničkih senzora, kako pri ispitivanju i razvoju, tako i pri serijskoj proizvodnji traktora. Sam princip senzora i merenja, se nije puno promenio. Najveći napredak je u realnom monitoringu i obradi podataka, što je omogućeno sa razvojem, savremenih računarskih tehnologija i DSP procesora, moćnih performansi i malih dimenzija. Podaci mogu da se prikupljaju i obrađuju radi ispitivanja, razvoja i eksploatacije u samom traktoru, ili da se sa nekim od bežičnih protokola prenesu do centrale gde se mogu pratiti performanse traktora. Ovim se može na efikasniji način postići poboljšanje efikasnosti, pouzdanosti kao i ergonomije
dc.subjectdata transmission and processingen
dc.subjectprenos i obrada podatakasr
dc.titleImplementation Sensors for Metrology, and Data Transfer in Tractor Industryen
dc.title.alternativeImplementacije senzora za metrologiju i prenos podataka u industriji traktorasr

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  • Issue 2009-1.

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