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Inovativno rešenje u modeliranju kanala distribucije hrane kao faktor uspešnosti organizacije poljoprivredne proizvodnje

dc.contributor.authorRadovic, Stojanka
dc.description.abstractProfit maximization in the agricultural sector should go in the direction that will enable agricultural products to be marketed through a realistic distribution channel. This applies in particular to the distribution channel of the food supply. In addition, the food distribution system should focus on the dominant observation of the production of food produced inland. Food distribution should take into account market competition, distribution and logistics costs, the existence of unequal quantities of food shipments, etc. That is why it is of great importance to adopt realistic models that will appreciate modern innovative ways of logistics that will help real food distribution. In addition, up-to-date information and communication technologies should be respected to support such distribution approaches. This paper draws attention to the importance of implementing a possible new food distribution model based on an innovative
dc.description.abstractMaksimalan profit u poljoprivrednom sektoru treba da ide u pravcu koji će omogućiti da produkti poljoprivredne delatnosti mogu da se plasiraju na tržištu putem realanog kanala distribucije. To se naročito odnosi na kanal distribucije snabdevanja hranom. Osim toga, sistem distribucije hrane treba da bude usmeren na dominatno posmatranje proizvodnje hranu koja se proizvodi unatar zemlje. Distribucija hrane treba da uvaži tržišnu konkurenciju, troškove distribucije i logistike, postojanje nejednakih količina pošiljki hrane itd. Zato je od velike važnosti da se usvoje realni modeli koji će uvažavati savremene inovativne načine logistike koji će pomoći realnu distribuciju hrane. Osim toga potrebno je i uvažavati savremene informacione i komunikacione tehnologije, kao potpore takvim pristupima distribucije. Ovaj rad, skreće pažnju na značaj primene mogućeg novog modela distribucije hrane koji se zasniva na inovativnom
dc.subjectshort food supply chainsr
dc.subjectinformation and communication technologysr
dc.subjectbusiness process modellingsr
dc.subjectkratak lanac snabdevanja hranomsr
dc.subjectinformaciono-komunikaciona tehnologijasr
dc.subjectmodeliranje poslovnih procesasr
dc.titleInnovative Solution in the Modeling of Food Distribution Channels as a Factor of Successful Organization of Agricultural Productionsr
dc.title.alternativeInovativno rešenje u modeliranju kanala distribucije hrane kao faktor uspešnosti organizacije poljoprivredne proizvodnjesr

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  • Issue 2020-3.

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