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Biomasa iz poljoprivrede kao potencijani izvor alternativnih goriva pogonskih agregata

dc.contributor.authorPetrovic, Marija
dc.contributor.authorPetrovic, Predrag
dc.contributor.authorMacvanin, Nada
dc.contributor.authorProkes, Bela
dc.description.abstractLiquid fossil fuels are the dominant fuel for the plant, as means of all forms of transport, employment and agricultural machines and aggregates. In the coming period is unrealistic to expect more intense and massive development, implementation, construction of new engines that would be adapted to another type of fuel. All efforts have been focused on finding such a fuel that could be adapted to existing engine structures, and to simultaneously satisfy additional criteria related to ecology, as well as reliability and privacy. In this context, biofuel is given increasing attention, which can be produced from renewable primary and secondary agricultural raw materials, with generally positive effects of performance, reliability, emissions and thus protect the environment, as well as other requirements that the current fossil fuel backgrounds meet. As biofuels can be considered methanol, biometanol, bioethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, hydrogen and others. Raw materials from agricultural biomass to produce alternative fuels could be: sugar cane, sugar beet, corn sorghum, corn, wheat, rapeseed, sunflower, potatoes, barley, olive, palm, sweet potato, monioka, Jerusalem artichokes (topinambur) and others. Products and residues from forest mass: wood, pulp, paper, black lug and others. Now it different kinds of waste such as municipal and secondary waste, food wastes, wastes from production of cereals and food, etc.., With the current use of fossil origin fuel from oil, coal, oil shale, natural gas and others. The paper gives a brief review of possible fuel from biomass, which can be, with its advantages and disadvantages, potential use as fuel internal combustion engines.en
dc.description.abstractTečna fosilna goriva su najdominantnija goriva za pogon, kako sredstava svih vidova saobraćaja, tako i poljoprivrednih radnih mašina i agregata. U narednom periodu je nerealno očekivati intenzivniji i masovniji razvoj, u primeni, novih konstrukcija motora koje bi bile prilagođene nekoj drugoj vrsti goriva. Svi napori su usredsređeni na pronalaženju supstitucije goriva, koje bi bilo prilagođeno postojećim konstrukcijama motora, a da istovremeno zadovolje i dodatne kriterijume vezane za obnovljivost, ekologiju, pouzdanost korišćenja i dr. U tom kontekstu, biogorivima se posvećuje sve veća pažnja, koja se mogu proizvesti iz obnovljivih primarnih i sekundarnih poljoprivrednih sirovina, sa generalno pozitivnim efektima performansi, pouzdanosti, emisije izduvnih gasova, a time i zaštite životne sredine, kao i drugim zahtevima koje sadašnja goriva fosilnog porekla ispunjavaju. Kao biogoriva mogu se razmatrati metanol, biometanol, bioetanol, biodizel, prirodni gas, vodonik i dr. Sirovine iz poljoprivredne biomase za proizvodnju alternativnih goriva mogu biti: šećerna trska, šećerna repa, sirak šećerac, kukuruz, pšenica, uljana repica, suncokret, krompir, ječam, maslina, palma, batata, monioka, jerusalemska artičoka (topinambur) i dr. Iz proizvoda i ostataka šumskih masa: drvo, celuloza, papir, crni lug i dr. Zatim iz različitih vidova otpada, kao što su: komunalni i sekundarni otpad, otpadi iz proizvodnje žitarica i hrane i dr., uz sadašnju primenu goriva fosilnog porekla iz: nafte, uglja, uljnih škriljaca, prirodnog gasa i dr. U radu je dat kraći prikaz mogućih vrsta goriva iz biomase, koja se mogu, sa svojim prednostima i manama, potencijalno koristiti kao pogonsko gorivo motora
dc.subjectživotna sredinasr
dc.titleBiomass from Agriculture as an Alternative Fuel Source Potential Enginesen
dc.title.alternativeBiomasa iz poljoprivrede kao potencijani izvor alternativnih goriva pogonskih agregatasr

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  • Issue 2010-4.

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