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Parametri efikasnosti mašina za dorado semena crvene deteline i lucerke

dc.contributor.authorDjokic, Dragoslav
dc.contributor.authorStanisavljevic, Rade
dc.contributor.authorTerzic, Dragan
dc.contributor.authorMilenkovic, Jasmina
dc.contributor.authorKozlov, Vjaceslav
dc.contributor.authorKoprivica, Ranko
dc.contributor.authorVukovic, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the testing results during seed processing of natural seed of red clover and alfalfa, with different initial purity. Because of their exceptional importance in the production of animal feed in the Republic of Serbia, a large number of perennial leguminous plants are grown. The most important leguminous fodders in Serbia are alfalfa and red clover. This is because of the areas they occupy, as well as the nutritional quality for domestic animals. The seed used for the crop establishment of these plants must be clean, with high germination and genetic value. Many of these requirements could be accomplished by seed processing and removing all impurities and seeds of poorer quality. The aim of this study was to show the parameters of efficiency of processing machines of these two perennial legumes seed. The basic indicators of the parameters of efficiency of seed processing are the quality and quantity of the obtained seed. All relevant parameters which define the characteristics of seed processing machines are presented: pure seed (%), weed and other seed crops (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed losses (%) and processing output (%). The obtained results enable the selection of suitable equipment and their proper adjustment for seed processing, depending on the quantity and type of weeds and other ingredients presented in the natural
dc.description.abstractRad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja dorade naturalnog semena crvene deteline i lucerke različitih početnih čistoća, na mašinama za doradu. U Republici Srbiji gaji se veći broj višegodišnjih leguminoza zbog njihovog izuzetnog značaja u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Najznačajnije višegodišnje krmne leguminoze u Srbiji po površinama na kojima se gaje, kao i po kvalitetu hraniva u ishrani domaćih životinja su lucerka i crvena detelina. Seme koje se koristi za setvu za njihovu proizvodnju mora da bude čisto, visoke klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Svi ovi zahtevi ostvaruje se doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem svih nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena ove dve višegodišnje leguminoze prikažu koji su parametri efikasnosti mašina za doradu. Prikazani su svi relevantni parametri koji definišu karakteristike mašina za doradu semena, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Dobijeni rezultati omogućavaju izbor odgovarajućih mašina i njihovo pravilno podešavanje pri doradi semena, u zavisnosti od količine i vrste korova i ostalih primesa koje se nalaze u naturalnom
dc.subjectred cloversr
dc.subjectcrvena detelinasr
dc.titleParameters of Efficiency of Machines for Seed Processing Of Red Clover and Alfalfasr
dc.title.alternativeParametri efikasnosti mašina za dorado semena crvene deteline i lucerkesr

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  • Issue 2019-1.

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