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Uticaj sadržaja vlage na gravimetrijske i frikcione karakteristike semena tikvice (Luffa Actangula Roxb)

dc.contributor.authorPatwardhan, Ashwini
dc.description.abstractThe present study was undertaken with five moisture levels (8%, 12%, 16%, 20% and 24%), whose effect was studied on gravimetric and frictional properties of ridge gourde seed. The gravimetric properties such as thousand grain weight, single grain weight and porosity increased linearly with increase in moisture content from 8 to 24% except bulk density and kernel density showed a decreasing trend. The frictional properties such as angle of repose and coefficient of static friction also increased linearly with increase in moisture content. The thousand grain weight, volume of single grain, bulk density, kernel density and porosity of ridge gourd were found to be 137.65 gm, 0.145 cc, 0.666 gm•cc-1, 1.124 gm•cc-1 and 40.75% respectively. The angle of repose was 24.160 and coefficient of static friction varied between 0.40 to 0.47 (due to various surfaces). The relationship between moisture content and various gravimetric and frictional properties was also established.en
dc.description.abstractOva studija je izvedena sa pet nivoa vlažnosti (8%, 12%, 16%, 20% i 24%), a proučavani su njihovi uticaji na gravimetrijske i frikcione karakteristike semena tikvice. Gravimetrijska svojstva kao što su masa hiljadu zrna, masa jednog zrna i poroznost linearno su se povećavala sa porastom vlažnosti od 8 do 24 %, izuzev gustine koja je imala trend opadanja. Frikcione osobine, kao što su ugao stabilnosti i koeficijent statičkog trenja takođe su se linearno povećavali sa povećanjem vlažnosti. Masa hiljadu zrna, zapremina jednog zrna grain, gustina i poroznost iznosili su 137.65gm, 0.145cc, 0.666gm•cc-1, 1.124gm•cc-1 i 40.75%, redom. Ugao stabilnosti iznosio je 24.16°, a koeficijent statičkog trenja je varirao od 0.40 do 0.47 (zbog različitih površina). Odnos između sadržaja vlage i različitih gravimetrijskih i frikcionih karakteristika takođe je
dc.subjectthousands grain weighten
dc.subjectbulk densityen
dc.subjectkernel densityen
dc.subjectangle of repose and coefficient of static frictionen
dc.subjectmoisture contenten
dc.subjectmasa hiljadu zrnasr
dc.subjectgustina masesr
dc.subjectgustina zrnasr
dc.subjectugao stabilnostisr
dc.subjectkoeficijent statičkog trenjasr
dc.subjectsadržaj vlagesr
dc.titleEffect of Moisture Content on Gravimetric and Frictional Properties of Ridge Gourd Seed (Luffa Actangula Roxb)en
dc.title.alternativeUticaj sadržaja vlage na gravimetrijske i frikcione karakteristike semena tikvice (Luffa Actangula Roxb)sr

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  • Issue 2014-2.

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