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Procena performansı rasıpačkog dıska promenljıve norme rasıpanja na rasıpaču đubrıva – “PreFer”

dc.contributor.authorTekin, Arif Behic
dc.contributor.authorSındır, Kamil Okyay
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to verify systems performance of developed variable rate spinner disc fertilizer applicator (PreFer) which allows applying of granular fertilizer at variable rates in field conditions. Distribution uniformity and accuracy were assessed using a matrix of collection pans and following test procedures outlined in ASAE Standard S341.2. Spread patterns were produced in triangular shape which is favorable in overlapping process. But it was seen that, triangular shapes are differed due to fertilizer types. The performance of system as found by overlapping transverse spread patterns resulted in a CV of 11% with a 10 m working width in calcium ammonium fertilizer application while the CV and working width for composite fertilizer were 20% and 9 m, respectively. It is clear that working width, and so cell width, was limited by spread width of machine and the CV value while applying different types of fertilizer.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ove studije bio je da proveri performance sistema razvijenog rasipačkog diska rasipača đubriva sa promenljivom normom aplikacije (PreFer), koji omogućuje primenu granuliranog đubriva u promenljivim normama u poljskim uslovima. Ujednačenost distribucije i tačnost su procenjivane upotrebom matrice sabirnih sudova i po procedurama testiranja koje su istaknute u ASAE standardu S341.2. Modeli rasipanja su izvedeni u trouglastim oblicima što je zastupljeno pri preklapanju. Ali bilo je uočeno da se trouglasti oblici razlikuju zbog tipova đubriva. Performanse sistema koje su uočene preklapanjem podužnih modela rasipanja dao je koeficijent varijacije od 11% na 10 m radnog zahvata sa kalcijum amonijačnim đubrivom dok je su koeficijent varijacije i radni zahvat za kompozitno đubrivo bili 20% i 9 m, redom. Jasno je da je radni zahvat, kao i širina ćelije, bio ograničen radnim zahvatom mašine i vrednošću koeficijenta varijacije pri primeni različitih tipova đ
dc.subjectprecision agricultureen
dc.subjectspinner disc fertilizer spreaderen
dc.subjectvariable rate fertilizer applicationen
dc.subjectperformance assessmenten
dc.subjectprecizna poljoprivredasr
dc.subjectrasipački disken
dc.subjectpromenljive norme aplikacije đubrivasr
dc.subjectprocena performansisr
dc.titlePerformance Assesment of Variable Rate Spinner Disc Fertilizer Spreader – “PreFer”en
dc.title.alternativeProcena performansı rasıpačkog dıska promenljıve norme rasıpanja na rasıpaču đubrıva – “PreFer”sr

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  • Issue 2014-2.

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