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Mineralni sastav različitih sorti višanja (Oblačinska i Maraska)

dc.contributor.authorVasilisin, Ladislav
dc.contributor.authorVucic, Goran
dc.contributor.authorVojinovic, Djordje
dc.contributor.authorKukric, Zoran
dc.description.abstractDetermination of the mineral composition of two varieties of cherries (oblačinska i maraska) in their konzumnoj maturity was the aim of this study. The content of individual elements was in mg / 100g: Na (oblačinska cherry 4,7 and maraska 5,1), K (195.6 and 211.3), Mg (15.3 and 17.3), Ca (13.1 and 16.4), P (17.1, 18.6) Fe (0.21 and 0.22), Cu (0.08 and 0.09), Zn (0.1 and 0.1) and Mn ( 0.1 and 0.1). Both of these varieties do not represent a significant source of certain elements in the diet, because when consuming 150 grams of fresh cherries relatively well meet the daily needs of the organism is only for potassium and
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi mineralni sastav dvije sorte višanja (oblačinska i maraska) u njihovoj konzumnoj zrelosti. Sadržaj pojedinih elemenata iznosio je u mg/100g: Na (oblačinska 4,7 i maraska 5,1), K (195,6 i 211,3), Mg (15,3 i 17,3), Ca (13,1 i 16,4), P (17,1 18,6) Fe (0,21 i 0,22), Cu (0,08 i 0,09), Zn (0,1 i 0,1) i Mn (0,1 i 0,1). Obe ove sorte ne predstavljaju značajan izvor pojedinih elemenata u ishrani, jer pri konzumiranju 150 g svježih višanja relativno dobro zadovoljenje dnevnih potreba organizma je samo za kalijum i
dc.subjectmineral materiessr
dc.subjectICP OES spectrometrysr
dc.subjectmineralne materijesr
dc.titleMineral Content of Different Types of Cherries (Oblačinska i Maraska)sr
dc.title.alternativeMineralni sastav različitih sorti višanja (Oblačinska i Maraska)sr

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