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Merenje vlažnosti zemljišta

dc.contributor.authorRadicevic, Branko
dc.contributor.authorVukic, Djukan
dc.contributor.authorErcegovic, Djuro
dc.contributor.authorOljaca, Mico
dc.description.abstractBecause the humidity of soil is one of the essential factors that determine the optimal plant growth and crop production, this paper discusses in detail various techniques, methods and modes of the measurement of soil humidity. Devices, sensors and additional equipment for the measurement of humidity are analyzed depending on the different types of the agricultural crops and characteristics of the soil. In this paper is given a review and a comparative analysis of sensors as the parts of the various products which measure a soil humidity (analog and digital). The selection of the most suitable location for sensors, their installation, placement and necessary depth is also presented. In this paper are analyzed the characteristics of sensors (performances, cost-effectiveness in the agricultural production), their maintenance and the timely detection of failures while in operation.en
dc.description.abstractSadržaj vlage u zemljištu je jedan od značajnih faktora koji utiče na optimalan rast biljaka i proizvodnju useva. U radu su prikazane različite tehnike i načini merenja vlažnosti zemljišta. Analizirani su uređaji, senzori i dodatna oprema za merenje vlažnosti zemljišta u zavisnosti od vrsta poljoprivrednih kultura i karakteristika pojedinih zemljišta. Dat je pregled i uporedna analiza senzora različitih proizvođača za merenje vlažnosti zemljišta (analogni i digitalni), analiziran je izbor najpogodnijeg mesta za postavljanje senzora, instalacija i potrebna dubina senzora u zemljištu. Takođe, razmatrane su karakteristike senzora (performanse, način rada, isplativost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji), njihovo održavanje i detekcija kvarova tokom
dc.subjecthumidity of soilen
dc.subjectmeasurement devicesen
dc.subjectsensors and transducers in agricultureen
dc.subjectvlažnost zemljištasr
dc.subjectmerni uređajisr
dc.subjectsenzori i pretvarači u poljoprivredisr
dc.titleThe Measurement of Soil Humidityen
dc.title.alternativeMerenje vlažnosti zemljištasr

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  • Issue 2008-4.

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