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Primena can bus mreža na traktorima i radnim mašinama

dc.contributor.authorGligorevic, Kosta
dc.contributor.authorOljaca, Mico
dc.contributor.authorVukic, Djukan
dc.contributor.authorZlatanovic, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorRadicevic, Branko
dc.contributor.authorPajic, Milos
dc.contributor.authorRadojevic, Rade
dc.contributor.authorOljaca, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorDimitrovski, Zoran
dc.description.abstractNumerous computer control units have long been an integral part of the tractors and other agricultural machines, making them more efficient and safer. This important technological innovations, CAN Bus network or “Controler Area Network” that allows computer units and their components within the tractor and the other working machines connected, and to thereby provide a reliable and secure communications, and reduce the amount of electrical conductors that would otherwise used for this purpose. Information collected various sensors inside the tractor and the other working machines, CAN Bus network transmits to the computer unit, while establishing priorities among the data, so I arrived for each of them, based on pre-prescribed procedures and protocols, the corresponding response rate was prepared by computer.en
dc.description.abstractRazličiti tipovi i modeli računarskih upravljačkih jedinica već duži period su sastavni delovi traktora i ostalih poljoprivrednih ili radnih mašina, čineći ih efikasnijim i bezbednijim. Ova veoma važna tehnološka inovacija, CAN Bus mreža ili „Controler Area Network“ omogućava da se računarske jedinice i njihove komponente unutar traktora i drugih radnih mašina povežu u funkcionalnu kompleksnu celinu. Pri tome je obezbeđena pouzdana i sigurna komunikaciju, a smanjena količina električnih provodnika koji bi se inače zbog povezivanja delova sistema koristili. Informacije koje prikupljaju različiti senzori unutar traktora i drugih radnih mašina, CAN Bus mreža prenosi do računarske jedinice, a pri tome uspostavlja prioritete među pristiglim podacima kako bih za svaki od njih, na osnovu unapred propisanih protokola i procedura, odgovarajućom brzinom bio pripremljen odgovor od strane odgovarajuće računarske
dc.subjectCAN busen
dc.subjectelectronic moduleen
dc.subjectworking machinesen
dc.subjectelektronski modulsr
dc.subjectradna mašinasr
dc.titleApplication of Can Bus Networks on Tractors and Working Machinesen
dc.title.alternativePrimena can bus mreža na traktorima i radnim mašinamasr

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  • Issue 2009-1.

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