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Primena analize slike za određivanje dimenzija semena uljane repice korišćenjem IOT koncepta

dc.contributor.authorMarkovic, Dusan
dc.contributor.authorKoprivica, Ranko
dc.contributor.authorVeljkovic, Biljana
dc.contributor.authorVujicic, Dejan
dc.contributor.authorPesovic, Uros
dc.contributor.authorRandjic, Sinisa
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyzes the geometric characteristics of seeds, uniformity and cross - sectional area of rapeseed, on the basis of which the equivalent diameter was calculated. Knowing the dimensions of seeds is important in seed production from sowing, harvesting, processing, and storage, to seed packaging. Manual determination of the dimensions of seeds is a rather slow process, so the aim of this work was to show a computer-aided device that contains a camera and can take seed samples, while determining the dimensions of seeds by program image analysis. Presented device is realized in accordance with the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) so it has the ability to connect to the Internet and forward the image, or in another variant can directly perform the image analysis and further forward the results only. The purpose of the presented system for determining the size of seeds is providing a fast and efficient way for users to get the first results that will help them in the implementation of further activities related to working with small
dc.description.abstractU radu su analizirane geometrijske karakteristike semena, ujednačenost i površina poprečnog preseka semena uljane repice na osnovu koje je izračunat ekvivalentni prečnik. Poznavanje dimenzije semena je od značaja u semenskoj proizvodnji od setve, žetve, dorade, skladištenja do pakovanja semena. Utvrđivanje dimenzije semenki ručnom metodom je dosta spor proces tako da je cilj ovog rada bio prikaz jednog računarski podržanog uređaja koji sadrži kameru i može da fotografiše uzorke semena, a pri tome i da utvrdi dimenzije semenki programskom analizom slike. Predstavljeni uređaj je realizovan u skladu sa konceptom Interneta stvari (IoT) tako da ima mogućnost povezivanja na Internet i prosleđivanja slike, ili u drugoj varijanti može izvršiti direktno analizu slike i dalje da prosledi samo rezultate. Namena predstavljenog sistema za utvrđivanje veličine semena jeste da na brz i efikasan način korisnici dobiju prve rezultate koji će im pomoći u realizaciji daljih aktivnosti koji se tiču rada sa sitnim
dc.subjectimage analysissr
dc.subjectIoT (Internet of Things)sr
dc.subjectRaspberry Pi 3sr
dc.subjectanaliza slikesr
dc.subjectseme uljane repicesr
dc.titleApplication of Image Analysis for Determination of Rapeseed Dimensions Using IOT Conceptsr
dc.title.alternativePrimena analize slike za određivanje dimenzija semena uljane repice korišćenjem IOT konceptasr

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Issue 2020-3.

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