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Uticaj sistema obrade na prinos kukuruza i poroznost oraničnog sloja navodnjavanog černozema

dc.contributor.authorKresovic, Branka
dc.contributor.authorTolimir, Miodrag
dc.description.abstractWith the aim to create favourable conditions for the plant development, the studies on effects of different tillage systems on maize yield and porosity changes of the irrigated chernozem ploughing layer were performed. The objective of the studies was conventional tillage (disc harrow, plough, seedbed conditioner), reduced tillage (rotary shredder) and direct drilling (direct drill seeder). The analysis of variance performed for the yield shows significant differences among observed tillage systems carried out on chernozem. The highest yield of 12.39 t•ha-1 was obtained by conventional tillage. Yields obtained by reduced tillage and direct drilling were lower and amounted to 11.03 t•ha-1 and 10.03 t•ha-1, respectively. The conventional tillage system provided the most favourable porosity with the average value of 51.08%. With no statistical significant differences, the porous to solid phase ratio was somewhat less favourable in soil tilled by the rotary shredder (50.47 vol.%), while it was significantly lower in the variant of direct drilling (48.12 vol.%).en
dc.description.abstractU cilju stvaranja povoljnih uslova za razviće biljke, obavljena su proučavanja uticaja različitih sistema obrade na prinos kukuruza i ukupnu poroznost oraničnog sloja navodnjavanog černozema. Predmet istraživanja bila je konvencionalna obrada (tanjirača, plug, setvospremač), redukovana (rotositnilica) i direktna setva (sejalica za direktnu setvu). Analiza varijanse prinosa pokazuje signifikantne razlike između proučavanih sistema obrade černozema. Najbolji rezultati prinosa ostvareni su konvencionalnom obradom-12,39t/ha, zatim redukovanom-11,03t/ha i najniži direktnom setvom-10,03t/ha. Konvencionalna obrada obezbedila je najpovoljniju ukupnu poroznost sa prosečnom vrednosti 51,08%. Bez statistički značajne razlike, odnos porozne i čvrste faze je bio nešto nepovoljniji kod zemljišta obrađenog rotositnilicom-50,47zap%, a značajno manji pri direktnoj setvi-48,
dc.subjecttotal porosityen
dc.subjectirrigated chernozemen
dc.subjectukupna poroznostisr
dc.subjectnavodnjavani černozemsr
dc.titleEffects of Tillage Systems on Maize Yield and Porosity of the Irrigated Chernozem Ploughing Layeren
dc.title.alternativeUticaj sistema obrade na prinos kukuruza i poroznost oraničnog sloja navodnjavanog černozemasr

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  • Issue 2009-2.

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