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Procena vrednosti objekata za čuvanje stočne hrane

dc.contributor.authorIvanovic, Sanjin
dc.contributor.authorRadivojevic, Dusan
dc.contributor.authorPajic, Milos
dc.description.abstractIn order to keep milk production economically effective in contemporary business environment, it is necessary to use appropriate types and combinations of animal feed. This means that the bulky part of the meal for the cows has to be based on the use of corn silage, with the addition of small amounts of alfalfa hay. This combination of forage allows for high milk production per cow, while keeping production costs low. However, this concept of nutrition is related to high investments in appropriate facilities for the storage of animal feed. To evaluate the economic effectiveness of investments in modern feed storages, a method of present value of investment is used. Determined present value of investment is compared with the corresponding construction costs of the objects at different prices of animal feed and various assumed losses due to its inadequate storage.en
dc.description.abstractDa bi u savremenim uslovima poslovanja proizvodnja mleka bila ekonomski opravdana, neophodno je koristiti odgovarajuće vrste i kombinacije stočnih hraniva. To znači da se kabasti deo obroka za krave mora zasnivati na korišćenju kukuruzne silaže, uz dodatak manje količine sena lucerke. Ovakva kombinacija kabastih hraniva omogućava visoku proizvodnju mleka po kravi, uz održavanje troškova proizvodnje na niskom nivou. Međutim, navedeni koncept ishrane vezan je za visoka investiciona ulaganja u odgovarajuće objekte za smeštaj stočne hrane. Da bi se utvrdila ekonomska efektivnost investicionih ulaganja u moderne objekte za čuvanje stočne hrane, korišćena je metoda prinosne vrednosti investicije. Utvrđena prinosna vrednost poređena je sa odgovarajućim troškovima izgradnje navedenih objekata, pri različitim cenama stočne hrane i različitim pretpostavljenim gubicima usled njenog neadekvatnog skladiš
dc.subjectmilk productionen
dc.subjectpresent value of investmenten
dc.subjectproizvodnja mlekasr
dc.subjectstočna hranasr
dc.subjectprinosna vrednostsr
dc.titleValuation of Feed Storagesen
dc.title.alternativeProcena vrednosti objekata za čuvanje stočne hranesr

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  • Issue 2010-4.

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