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Značaj prostornog rasporeda u proizvodnom procesu

dc.contributor.authorJoksimovic, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.authorMarkovic, Dragan
dc.contributor.authorSimonovic, Vojislav
dc.contributor.authorMedojevic, Ivana
dc.description.abstractIn engineering design, the problem of layout has a special significance and has been the object of research for many years. There are two groups of problems: the problem of location and the problem of the distribution of elements. In the domain of industry, the location problem is related to determining the most favorable location (production complex) on the macro plan. When analyzing the problem of the distribution of elements, it is first of all necessary to have an insight into the set of potential surfaces that some elements may require within an analyzed system. In order to explain the importance of the spatial configuration and the objectives of its introduction, it is necessary to describe the existing configuration of the line for the production of nougats, to illustrate the flow of materials, the configuration and the degree of automation. Increasing the degree of automation of production lines can only have advantages because it increases the quality of the finished product, shortens the production cycle and therefore increases
dc.description.abstractU inženjerskom projektovanju, problem prostornog rasporeda ima poseban značaj i predmet je istraživanja dugi niz godina. Tu su prisutne dve grupe problema: problem lokacije i problem raspodele elemenata. U domenu industrije problem lokacije je vezan za određivanje najpovoljnijeg mesta (proizvodnog kompleksa) na makro planu. Kada se analizira problem raspodele elemenata, potrebno je pre svega imati uvid u skup potencijalnih površina koje pojedini elementi mogu da zahtevaju u okviru nekog analiziranog sistema. Kako bi se objasnio značaj prostornog rasporeda i ciljevi njegovog uvođenja, potrebno je opisati postojeće konfiguracije linije odabranog proizvoda, na njima prikazati tok materijala, prostorni raspored i stepen automatizacije. Povećanje stepena automatizacije proizvodnih linija može imati samo prednosti, jer se povećava kvalitet gotovog proizvoda, skraćuje proizvodni ciklus i time povećava
dc.subjectproduction cyclesr
dc.subjectproizvodni ciklussr
dc.titleThe Importance of Layout in a Production Processsr
dc.title.alternativeZnačaj prostornog rasporeda u proizvodnom procesusr

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  • Issue 2018-4.

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