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Pregled potencijala čvrste biomase u poljoprivredi Mađarske

dc.contributor.authorMago, Laszlo
dc.description.abstractThe survey focuses on the biomass potential from the agriculture, the possibilities of the energetic use of the biomass, biogas, biodiesel and the bioethanol, in Hungary. The biggest biomass producer in Hungary is the agriculture producing 58 million tons of organic material annually in which primary product is 53 % (30.5 million tons) and by-products 47 % (27,5 mill t). The biomass utilized for energetic purposes is barely 1.8 million tons, a merely 0.3 % of the total quantity. The proportion of the renewable energies gained from the biomass hardly exceeds 1 % in the energy consumption of the agriculture. The renewable energies gained from part of the biomass produced by the agriculture could cover 10 % of the national energy demand on the short term.en
dc.description.abstractOvaj pregled se odnosi na potencijal biomase iz poljoprivrede, mogućnosti energetske primene biomase, biogas, biodizel i bioetanol, u Mađarskoj. Najveći proizvođač biomase u Mađarskoj je poljoprivreda, sa 58 miliona tona organske materije godišnje, u čemu primarni proizvod čini 53 % (30.5 miliona tona) a sporedni proizvodi 47 % (27,5 mil. t). Biomasa namenjena za energetsku upotrebu čini oko 1.8 miliona tona, samo 0.3 % ukupne količine. Učešće obnovljivih izvora energije dobijenih iz biomase retko prelazi 1 % ukupne potrošnje energije u poljoprivredi. Obnovljiva energija dobijena iz dela biomase proizvedenog u poljoprivredi mogla bi, u kratkom roku, da pokrije preko 10 % nacionalnih potreba za
dc.subjectsolid biomassen
dc.subjectbiomass potentialen
dc.subjectrenewable energyen
dc.subjectčvrsta biomasasr
dc.subjectpotencijal biomasesr
dc.subjectobnovljiva energijasr
dc.titleSurvey of Solid Biomass Potentials of Hungarian Agricultureen
dc.title.alternativePregled potencijala čvrste biomase u poljoprivredi Mađarskesr

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  • Issue 2010-4.

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